2020 Reflections!

Where do I even begin?? I feel like every month of 2020 had its own story or event that took place. I can safely say even if the year took an unexpected turn, I did learn a lot, a few changes took place in my life some that had me unhappy at first and some that I realized were actually good for me. To start with, I moved from Winnipeg to Vancouver. I will be honest at first I was not happy about it because it was not planned, no one saw it coming but due to certain circumstances it had to happen.(that is a story for another day). But ask me now how I feel about moving here lol. I LOVE IT HERE! The reason I was sad was because I left all my friends behind. I did not get the chance to say goodbye to any of them 😦 well ouch. I was scared to start over you know, scared to go out there and make new friends, get familiar with the place. You know how it is when you move to a new place.

I would say I am proud of the way I handled a few things I went through. A couple of battles were fought silently but I managed to wipe away my tears and get back on my feet and give myself a pat on the back. I would constantly ask myself “is life even worth living” because at some point nothing made sense. I reached my lowest point numerous times and felt no one would be able to understand me if I spoke out, but I still kept a smile on my face. I thought I was not going to be able to get back up, I felt as if that was it! But even when life got tough I knew God was by my side throughout. I knew he would renew my strength if I asked him to do so. So I’m guessing you already know what I did. I went down on my knees and I prayed hard. I must say my relationship with God grew stronger which is something I am very proud of 🙂

2020 taught me that you really do not know if you’ll have a tomorrow. Do what you gotta do today, don’t wait for tomorrow:) I learnt not to take anything I mean anything for granted and if you are reading this I hope you are not taking anything in your life for granted. I learnt that yes we make plans but God has the final say. Do what makes you happy. Do what you love. Follow your dreams. Anything is possible only if you believe. Stop trying to seek validation.

I also started a modelling career. It is really exciting because it’s something I love. My first photoshoot was a bit nerve racking, I remember being so stiff at first and after a couple of shots I eased down. That was my first professional photoshoot so please bare with me lol. My second photoshoot was way better, I had gained some confidence in myself and felt a lot more comfortable. I believe the ones to follow will be a piece of cake. I would like to read this paragraph 3-5 years now when I am now a professional model. You might see me on Americas Next Top Model (wink 😉 . Shout out to you if you understand the power of writing down whatever you want and believing it will come to pass. Remember to just do what you love.


I hope you have a prosperous 2021 and I wish you all the best!!

Please leave a comment and let me know how you’re holding up 🙂 i’d love to hear it.

What would you do if you had 30 seconds left to live???

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What would you do?,Who did you think about first?,You probably thought of all the things you haven’t done yet because you’re too scared. And just like that time is up. Our time here is limited but we tend to take it for granted and not take it to heart.It is this greatest enemy called fear that stops us from doing what we want.Sometimes we think the real enemy is our situation but to be frank, it is fear.One of the best ways to go about this is to stop fearing the fight and start fighting the fear.Do what you love, start that conversation, write down that dream, write that book and make it happen, tell your loved ones how much they mean to you before it’s too late.

We all have some potential in us but we sometimes fail to fulfill it because of that greatest enemy I mentioned before,FEAR.I’ll just give you a few definitions of potential here, Potential is unused ability, hidden power and all that you could be but you haven’t become. Now if you’re given 30 seconds to think of all things you could be or do but you haven’t become or haven’t done are you going to be happy with yourself. To be honest I’m sometimes not very proud of myself because there are so many things I know I can do but I haven’t done anything about them. More like sitting on my talents/gifts. If you’re reading this and you know you’re sitting on your talent, go out there and do something about it.We are all here to serve a purpose and your talent makes a huge difference.

You might be thinking of what it is you’re good at, well, you can only find out if you actually try out various things not by just thinking about them.Now try imagine how much of what you love you’ll be able to do within just 30 seconds. So why not pursue that career now, why not write that book now, why not join that team now. Don’t let fear get in the way of your dreams or potential your time is limited.Change the way you think and talk.

Do What You Love!


Do what you love, listen to your heart and intuition, follow your bliss and by doing so SUCCESS will follow.Most of us live with this impression that we don’t really have control over what we do, over what happens to us, over our happiness and our unhappiness, and that we are victims, and of course, as victims, all we know how to do, is defend ourselves. Because we spend so much time in the defending mode, we forget who we really are, we forget that we do have a choice and that we do have the ability to shift our lives in the right direction.

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We are all unique in our own ways.These are unique talents and gifts we are born with.This means what I have no one else and what you have no one else has in the world.I find that it is difficult for most people to do what they love because they fear what the world will say or think of them.Yes the mind is very powerful!Go and enjoy yourself and find out what you like, find out what you love.After all, doing what you love is freedom!

Fact: You Can Do What You Love and Make a Decent Living at It

End of 2018 reflections

2018 has been a very interesting year and I can safely say it was filled with a lot of activities. I am proud of the way I handled 2018. So many battles were fought silently, I humbled myself and wiped away my tears and gave myself a pat on the back. When life threw lemons I made lemonade. Yes, I made some mistakes, however, many of them were invaluable lessons that became stepping stones into my next chapter of life.

One of the hardest things I had to do was say goodbye to my friends and family when I was leaving for university in August. I was very excited from the time I got accepted into the University of Manitoba sometime in March, but all the excitement slowly faded into anxiousness as my departure approached. I still remember how I tried to hold it together at the airport as I embraced my parents for the last time. I am sure you can guess what happened next, my eyelids could not hold the river of tears that was fighting to flow free. It Hurt. In that moment I had only one option, to strap up my boots and boldly walk into my next chapter that has made me the responsible young lady I am today.

In December I travelled to Vancouver and visited my brother whom I missed so much. He is the most ambitious person I know. He is obsessed with winning in this game called ‘life.’ I had the opportunity to go ‘DREAM BUILDING‘ with him. He loves dream building, he has understood the power behind seeing, believing and executing. It was an eye opening experience, as I gazed at some of the most beautiful mansions and their views, I realised that I had to intensify my focus on my goals and work really hard to one day live in one that I will call my own. Human beings like you and I, own that real estate, the only difference is in how we think and perceive the world. In 2019 I have dedicated myself to constantly improve myself, how I think and see the world. I believe I can be, do and have anything I desire in my life.

Most importantly I got closer to God because I always turned to him when life got difficult, not only did I look for him at such times but even in good times I always had him close. Everyday felt like I was being lifted up to a whole new level and this increased my faith. My best comforter became my Bible because every situation I faced had a comforting message in it.

2018 taught me that happiness costs $0.00. Sometimes we need to let go of things that take away our happiness, it might not be easy but it is worth it. It is possible that the closest people in our lives actually bring about negative energy around us and in this case it is difficult to drop them completely out of our lives, but, what we can do is create some distance to ensure happiness is not compromised. SMILE everything is going to be alright. Enjoy every moment, grab every opportunity you get because you are capable and you can do anything.

In addition, I’ve come to realise that life is not a race. Take your time and make sure everything is in order and you are satisfied. No need to compete with a colleague because we are all different and our goals are not the same. God deposited a unique gift in each one of us that is valuable to the world, and for that reason, it is important to focus on honing that gift and deliver it in the best form possible. Take baby steps and make it in the long run instead of speeding up the process which will benefit you just for a short period of time taking you back to ground zero.

I hope you all have a prosperous 2019 and I wish you all the best.!!!!